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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Necedah NWR—Harvey’s Pond

Habitat: Sedge Meadow, Open Water, Southern Hardwood, and Alder/Willow Swamp. 

Best birds: The pond is attractive to Trumpeter Swan, Black Tern, and American Bittern

The trail around the pond leads to a sedge meadow with Henslow’s Sparrow and Bobolink found most years. The woods along the entrance drive usually harbors Red-headed Woodpecker. A nighttime visit in summer should produce Common Nighthawk and Whip-poor-will

Directions: 64 miles ENE of LaCrosse/4.6 miles west of Necedah city center via Hwy 21 and 20th St. W.

Site Address and Additional Information:

Necedah National Wildlife Refuge
N11385 Headquarters Road
Necedah, WI 54646
(608)565-2551 voice

Randy Hoffman