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Faville Grove Sanctuary

Faville Grove Sanctuary (Prairie Lane) Lake Mills, WI, US – eBird Hotspot

Faville Grove Sanctuary (Hwy 89 and North Shore Rd.) Lake Mills, WI, US – eBird Hotspot

Habitat: Native and Restored Grassland, Wet Prairie Fen, Dry and Sand Prairie, Oak Savanna, Non-native Grassland, Successional Oldfield, Conifer Bog, Bottomland Hardwoods, Pine Plantation, Oak-hickory Forest, Southern Hardwood Forest.

Best Birds: At Prairie Lane a mowed trail leads to the Crawfish River and young aspen, ash, cottonwood, and willow.  The bottomland flanking the Crawfish River contain breeding VeeryNorthern Harrier, Short-eared Owl, and breeding Wilson’s Snipe, American Woodcock, Henslow’s Sparrow, Bobolink, and Dickcissel occur in restored native grasslands along Prairie Lane. Foot trails and mowed trails through the Lake Mills Ledge run both north and south of Prairie Lane through open savanna vistas with Red-headed Woodpecker, Great Horned Owl, and Orchard Oriole

At the western portion of Faville Grove the oak forest and savanna species include Brown Thrasher, Clay-colored Sparrow, Field Sparrow, Chestnut-sided Warbler, and Scarlet Tanager. North of Highway 89, extensive restored grasslands and oak savannas form a mosaic with wetland complexes. Buddy’s Prairie has a parking area off Highway 89 and a trail leads to a savanna overlook of an extensive marsh. Birds along this wetland include Green-winged TealVirginia Rail, American Bittern, and Grasshopper and Savannah Sparrow. Ponds in the area typically hold large flocks of Great Egret in September. Sandhill Crane nesting occurs along pond margins and floating bog mats. 


Directions: 30 miles ENE of Madison/5 miles north of Lake Mills. Faville Grove Sanctuary is made up of two major units. Access the eastern portion of Faville Grove Sanctuary by turning onto Prairie Lane, from County Rd G. Park at 43.13935, -88.89951. Access the western-portion of Faville Grove off of Hwy 89 by parking near the old farmhouse at (43.12689, -88.91665). 

Address and additional information:

Prairie Lane property: W7480 Prairie Lane Lake Mills, WI 

Buddy’s Prairie property: N7710 WI-89 Waterloo, WI

Faville Grove StoryMap—includes trails, parking areas, off-trail hikes, and wildlife sightings

Faville Grove Sanctuary-Madison Audubon

Faville Grove Map

Drew Harry, Roger Packard, David Musolf