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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Wazee Lake-Bauer Brockway Barrens

Bauer Brockway Barrens -

Wazee Lake Recreation Area -

Habitat: Jack Pine-Oak Barrens, Native and Restored Grassland, Open Water. 

Best birds: The Bauer Brock Barrens SNA has high quality barrens that provide habitat for Brown Thrasher, Eastern Meadowlark, Grasshopper Sparrow, and Lark Sparrow. These species are best observed by walking south from the parking area on the old field road.

A short distance east is the Wazee Recreation Area formed around an old iron mine. The lake is deep, clear and offers one of the best places in the county for Common Loon. The park road towards the old tailings pond is consistently a great spot for Lark Sparrow and Dickcissel.

A nighttime visit in summer should produce Whip-poor-will and Common Nighthawk

Directions: 56 miles SE of Eau Claire/ 6.4 miles east of Black River Falls city center via Main St., Hwy. 54, and W Bauer Road. 

Site Address and Additional Information: W. Bauer Road, Jackson County

Wazee Lake, 44.291342, -90.729886

Bauer Brockway Barrens, 44.298102, -90.750872

Randy Hoffman