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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Spaulding Fen SNA

Atlas checklist:

Habitat: Sedge Meadow, Willow/Alder Swamp. 

Best birds: This fen is one of the least disturbed central poor fens remaining in the state. Patches of willow and bog birch add a shrubby component. The open sedge meadow has consistently produced American Bittern, Henslow’s Sparrow, LeConte’s Sparrow, Bobolink, and Eastern Meadowlark. Shrubbier areas are great for Alder Flycatcher, Lincoln’s Sparrow, Brewer’s Blackbird, and Golden-winged Warbler.

A nighttime visit in summer can produce Northern Saw-whet Owl, Common Nighthawk, and Whip-poor-will

Directions: 54 miles SW of Stevens Point/23.2 miles east of Black River Falls city center via Main St., Hwy 54, and Lone Pine Road to an area for parking where the fen comes close to the road. The fen is harvested for peat moss in this portion. The best area for birds lies to the northeast. 

Site Address and Additional Information: Lone Pine Road, Jackson County

Randy Hoffman