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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Jay Creek Pine Forest SNA

eBird Hotspot:

Habitat: Mixed Coniferous Forest, Open Water. 

Best birds: Technically called a White Pine-Red Maple Swamp, this forest is the best example of this habitat in the state. It supports excellent numbers of Red-shouldered Hawk, Winter Wren, Blue-headed Vireo, Hermit Thrush, Veery, Blackburnian Warbler, Pine Warbler Black-throated Green Warbler, and especially Canada Warbler

A nighttime visit in summer should produce Long-eared Owl and Whip-poor-will

Directions: 60 miles NE of LaCrosse/11.2 miles east of Millston city center via County Hwy O and E Starlight Road. From the parking area (44.171889, -90.499871) walk north on an old farm lane through upland white pines until descending into the thick forest lowland.

Site Address and Additional Information:

Starlight Road, Jackson County

Randy Hoffman