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Hall’s Creek Gorge

Hall's Creek Gorge: Upper Black River SNA, Jackson County, WI, US - eBird Hotspot


Habitat: Bottomland Hardwoods, Mixed Coniferous Forest, Open Water. 

Best birds: The conifers along the steep banks of Hall’s Creek are good spots for Winter Wren, Blue-headed Vireo, Hermit Thrush, Louisiana Waterthrush, Blackburnian Warbler, and Canada Warbler

The bottomlands along the Black River are excellent for Red-shouldered Hawk and Yellow-billed Cuckoo.

A nighttime visit in summer may produce Long-eared Owl and Whip-poor-will

Directions: 50 miles SE of Eau Claire/7.5 northeast of Black River Falls city center via Main St., Hwys 12 and E to the Hall’s Creek Landing Parking area (44.359562, -90.785547). Bird from the parking area and along the access road. 

Site Address and Additional Information: 

Hall’s Creek Landing, Jackson County

Randy Hoffman