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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Ridgeway Pine Relict SNA

Habitat: 546-acres of Mixed Coniferous Forest and Southern Hardwood Forest.  

Best Birds: The wooded cliffs and ravines are home to Pileated Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Winter Wren, Eastern Towhee, Blue-winged Warbler, and Scarlet Tanager. , Good for warblers, flycatchers, and thrushes during migration.

Directions: 33 miles WSW of Madison. West on Highway 18/151, and north on Ridgevue Road 1.3 miles to park at the gated entrance.

Site Address & Additional Information:

Ridgevue Rd, Ridgeway, WI 53582

Aaron Holschbach