Habitat: Bottomland Hardwood, Marsh, Open Water. The property is bordered by the Wisconsin River to the north and west, CTH C to the south and east.
Best Birds: The bottomlands along the river have nesting Red-shouldered Hawk, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, and Tufted Titmouse.
The marsh and sloughs to the east have nesting Sandhill Crane and Marsh Wren. During migration, waterfowl, waders, and Rusty Blackbird can be found. The marsh is a good location for Northern Shrike and Rough-legged Hawk in winter.
From the boat landing on the Wisconsin River you can occasionally find shorebirds, gulls, and terns on exposed sandbars.
Directions: 32 miles WSW of madison/2 miles southeast of Spring Green. From Hwy 14, on the southeast side of the Wisconsin River, turn north to the Wisconsin River boat landing (43.168668, -90.040658). One half mile east of the river on Hwy 14 there is a road (43.161829, -90.025230) leading to a second parking area and boat landing on a small slough.
Site Address & Additional Information:
6300 US-14, Arena, WI 53503
Aaron Holschbach