Habitat: Southern Hardwood Forest, Native and Restored Prairie, Open Water.
Best Birds: Waterfowl, Common Loon, gulls, and shorebirds use the lake during migration.
The woodlands around the lake are home to Yellow-throated Vireo, Tufted Titmouse, Wood Thrush, Eastern Towhee, and Scarlet Tanager.
Hiking into the prairie will provide opportunities to see Orchard Oriole, Eastern Meadowlark, and Dickcissel.
Directions: 50 miles W of Madison. From Dodgeville, go west 10 miles on Hwy 18 to Cobb. Take Hwy 80 north for 3 miles, then take CTH BH east for 2.5 miles to the entrance of the park.
Site Address & Additional Information:
Blackhawk Lake is a 2,037-acre Wildlife Area in the hilly terrain of the driftless area. The wildlife area surrounds a 212-acre lake which has a popular camping and recreation area on its west shore.
2025 Co Hwy BH, Highland, WI 53543
Aaron Holschbach