Habitat: Native and Resorted Grassland and Oak Savannah.
Best Birds: During spring and summer visitors to the prairie can expect to find Upland Sandpiper, Bell’s Vireo, Sedge Wren, Henslow’s Sparrow, Clay-colored Sparrow, and Dickcissel. Species such as Black-billed Cuckoo and Red-headed Woodpecker can be found in the savannah and the more wooded portions of the property.
In winter Short-eared Owl and Northern Shrike are occasionally found at this location.
Directions: 32 miles WSW of Madfison/about a mile to south of Barneveld. To reach the Thomas Tract go west for 1 mile on US 18/151 and go south (left) on CTH-T for 0.75 mile and park on the shoulder (43.00323, -89.92738). To access the Muehllehner Addition take CTH-K south from US 18/151 for 1.5 miles, and go west (right) on Langberry Road for 0.5 miles to the junction with Lee Road (42.98790, -89.89793)
Site Address & Additional Information:
The Barneveld Prairie State Natural Area is 1,193 acres in two parcels, the Thomas Tract and the Muehllehner Addition. These properties are made up of Native and Resorted Grassland along with a few sections of Oak Savannah.
3975 County Highway T, Barneveld, WI 53507
Aaron Holschbach