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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Avoca Prairie

Habitat:  Native and Restored grassland, Oak Savanna, Bottomland Hardwood. 

Best Birds: Northern Harrier, Sedge Wren, Vesper Sparrow, and Dickcissel can be found in prairie habitat during breeding season.  In winter scan the prairie for species such as Rough-legged Hawk, Short-eared Owl, and Northern Shrike.

The Wisconsin River bottoms host Red-shouldered Hawk, Prothonotary Warbler, and numerous migrant warblers in spring and fall.

The river, shorelines, and sandbars are good locations for finding Trumpeter Swan, and a variety of waterfowl, waders, gulls, and shorebirds, and Bald Eagle,.

Directions: 48 miles WNW of madison/1.5 miles east on Hwy 133 from Avoca, and north onHay Road 0.8 miles to a parking area on the SE end of the prairie.

Site Address & Additional Information: 

The Avoca Prairie and Savannah State Natural Area is a 2,208-acre portion of the Avoca Prairie Unit of the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway.  This property includes the largest natural Tallgrass Prairie east of the Mississippi River. 

Hay Rd, Avoca, WI 53506

Aaron Holschbach