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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Albany Wildlife Area

Albany SWA

Albany Bike Trail

Habitat: Bottomland Hardwoods, Successional Oldfield, Willow, Alder or Dogwood Swamp, Southern Hardwood Forest, Pine Plantation, Open Water, Beaches and Mudflats, Dry and Sand Prairie.

Best Birds: The easiest access to the area is from the Sugar River Trail.  From the parking lot at the end of Conservation Road walking east or west on the Sugar River Trail will take through a variety of habitats that have turned up Acadian Flycatcher, Alder Flycatcher, White-eyed Vireo, Veery, and Yellow-breasted Chat. Paddling the river from the boat launch on County EE will take you into the best areas for Red-shouldered Hawk, Least Flycatcher, and Prothonotary Warbler.  The Rueben’s Cave Drive access brings you to the more upland hardwood areas and the best views of Albany Lake.  Albany Lake can be good for waterfowl and late season shorebirds.

Directions: 29 miles S of Madison. From the intersection of Highway 59 and County E just north of Albany, go north on E 0.75 miles to the access drive (42.726354, -89.432514) to the Sand Prairie & Oak Savanna SNA. Park about 0.25 west of the entrance. Proceeding on foot west for 0.1 miles will reach the Ice Age Trail. The boat launch is on County EE, 0.5 miles west of County E (42.734125, -89.442535) by the bridge over the Sugar River. From the intersection of  County EE with Conservation Rd travel west and south to the end of Conservation Rd (42.728222, -89.452953) to access the DNR parking lot and the Sugar River Trail (which intersects Conservation Road just north of the parking lot. The south side of the wildlife area is accessed from the north end of Rueben’s Cave Dr (42.715966, -89.446891) on the west edge of Albany.

Site Address & Additional Information:

6302 Conservation Rd., Albany WI

701 Rueben’s Cave Dr., Albany WI

Sugar River boat launch County Highway EE 

Albany Wildlife Area | Wisconsin DNR

Albany Sand Prairie & Oak Savanna SNA (42.726354, -89.432514)

Quentin Yoerger