White River Marsh SWA--White River Bridge/Cty D, Green Lake County, WI, US - eBird Hotspot
White River Marsh SWA, Green Lake County, WI, US - eBird Hotspot
Habitat: Sedge Meadow, Marsh, Riparian, Bottomland Hardwoods, Willow, Alder or Dogwood Swamp, Restored Prairie/Grasslands.
Best Birds: Typical breeding birds of the White River Marsh include Sandhill Crane, Virginia Rail American Bittern,, Northern Harrier, Least Flycatcher, Willow Flycatcher, Alder Flycatcher, Yellow-throated Vireo, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Sedge Wren, Marsh Wren, Wood Thrush (woodlands) and Veery (shrubby/wet woodlands), Swamp Sparrow, Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark, and Scarlet Tanager. Uncommon to rare birds are Whooping Crane (a few pairs breed in the wetlands) and Yellow Rail (sometimes found as a migrant during spring in the sedge meadow). Acadian Flycatcher and Cerulean Warbler are sometimes found in the wooded areas near the White River along County Hwy D. Henslow’s Sparrow and Grasshopper Sparrow nest in some of the grasslands. Lark Sparrow has nested in the restored prairie. Blue-winged Warbler can sometimes be found in young woodlands, and Prothonotary Warbler along the Fox River. Both Yellow-billed Cuckoo and Black-billed Cuckoo are possible.
Directions: 50 miles SW of Appleton. The best access road across the marsh is White River Road (Rustic Road 22). From County Rd D in the west (43.89486, -89.12803) to Big Island Rd in the east (43.94318, -89.05097), White River Road is nearly 6 miles in length, the middle section gravel, and transects most of the important habitats. There are multiple parking spots along the way including midway at the White River bridge (43.91738, -89.08015).
Another route across the marsh is County Hwy D. There are restored prairies/grasslands starting about 3 miles north of Princeton, and mixed wet and mesic woodlands east of County Hwy DD. Check the forest near the White River bridge (43.93306, -89.12344). Several more grasslands are found further east along County Hwy D.
Other good sites can be found along Dead End Road, which goes north from a bend of County Hwy D about 3.9 miles north of Princeton. After a short distance, this gravel road divides, with one portion continuing north 0.6 miles ending at a parking lot (43.92389, -89.12335), and another portion going east to another dead end parking lot (43.91678, -89.11644). This road and the adjacent woodlands and other habitats can be hiked.
Restored prairie/grassland sites can be found by going north from County Hwy D on Marsh Road, and then turning on South Road. West takes one to the prairies near a DNR Service Center (43.95430, -89.12381), and turning right continues to other grasslands along the road (43.95646, -89.07901).
Another parking lot and hiking area can be found along County Hwy E, in the northwestern part of the property (43.97040, -89.15029). There is a prairie restoration here, adjacent to a large tamarack swamp, part of the White River Prairie/Tamaracks SNA.
Site Address and Additional Information:
White River Road, Princeton WI
White River Marsh Wildlife Area | Wisconsin DNR
White River Sedge Meadow State Natural Area - Wisconsin DNR
White River Prairie/Tamaracks State Natural Area - Wisconsin DNR
White River Marsh is designated an Important Bird Area (IBA).
Tom Schultz