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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Long Lake Road (Forest County) 

Long Lake (town)

Habitat:  Mixed Coniferous Forest, Northern Hardwoods, Conifer Bog, Cedar Swamp, Urban/Residential, Open Water.

Best Birds:  Trumpeter Swan and Common Loon are frequently on the lake.  Eastern Whip-poor-will, American Woodcock, American Bittern, Northern Goshawk, and Barred Owl are possible.  Look for woodpeckers and flycatchers in forest and wetland areas.  Uncommon warblers include Mourning, Northern Parula, Magnolia, Blackburnian, Black-throated Blue, and Canada WarblerCanada Jay and Boreal Chickadee are uncommon.  Both kinglets and Winter Wren are in cedar swamps.  Winter finches are possible in irruptive years at town feeders.  

Directions:  49 miles from Iron Mountain, MI.  Long Lake Road starts near the outlet of Long Lake northeast of the village of Long Lake on State Highway 139, 45.848993, -88.665712.  This low traffic 7.5 mile road has various habitats for a good variety of bird species.  Williams Road at the south end of the village has good feeders.  

Site Address and Additional Information:  

Long Lake Outlet, 45.849844, -88.667475         

Kay Kavanagh