Habitat: Non-Native Grasslands and Pasture, Northern Hardwoods, Urban/Residential/Industrial, Marsh, Pine Plantation, Open Water.
Best Birds: Bohemian Waxwing is present in irruptive years, while Cedar Waxwing nests here. Both Evening and Pine Grosbeak, Common Redpoll, and both crossbills are present in irruptive years feeding on the abundant fruiting trees and at feeders in the village of Argonne. Clay-colored Sparrow are often in the open fields. Bobolink, both meadowlarks, and Brewer’s Blackbird are also found along the open fields. Dickcissel can be found along the fence rows in irruptive years. Warblers are found along a short road, Cemetery Rd, that leads to the cemetery right in the village on the Peshtigo River Rd between Hwy G and Hwy P. Uncommon warblers include Black-and-White, Mourning, Northern Parula, and Canada.
Directions: 33.5 miles east from Rhinelander, WI. Via US Highway 8, then US Highway 32 to the town of Argonne, 45.65716, -88.88269. To reach grasslands follow State Highway 32 several miles south of Argonne to County Highway P, 45.637307, -88.88048. Then for another grassland area follow State Highway 32 northwest from Argonne, 45.680060, -88.924762.
Site Address and Additional Information:
Kay Kavanagh