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Spread Eagle Barrens SNA

Habitat:  Jack Pine-Oak Barrens, Northern Hardwood Forest, Young Conifers, Marsh, Open Water.

Best Birds:  Black-billed Cuckoo, Common Nighthawk, and Eastern Whip-poor-will nest here.  Common raptors include Northern Harrier, Sharp-shinned, and Broad-winged Hawk, while Rough-legged Hawk is present in winter.  7 woodpecker species including Red-headed Woodpecker are regular.  Olive-sided Flycatcher is occasional during migration.  Both House and Winter Wren breed here.  Cedar Waxwing nests and Bohemian Waxwing are occasional in autumn and winter.  Clay-colored, Field, White-throated, Vesper Sparrow nest, while White-crowned Sparrow is common during migration.  Brewer Blackbird nests here.  Uncommon warblers include Golden-winged, Mourning, Northern Parula, Magnolia, and Canada Warbler.  

Directions:  Main Entrance on Fire Lane Road is 22 miles from Iron Mountain, MI.  Via US Highway 141/2, to County Highway N, to Fire Lane Road parking lot. 45.81902, -88.18466. There are four other entrance locations:  Lake Anna Road/Overlook Drive, 45.87653, -88.16292.   Barrens Lake Road, 45.86052, -88.11976. Menominee River Road, 45.84765, -88.13294. Sand Lake Road, 45.88084, -88.18936.

Site Address and Additional Information:  

Fire Lane Road, Niagara WI

Spread Eagle Barrens State Natural Area - Wisconsin DNR

Kay Kavanagh