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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Hall’s Creek Dam

Habitat: Marsh, Northern Hardwoods, Willow, Alder or Dogwood Swamp, Open Water. 

Best Birds: From parking lot take deer path west over a small hill for overlook of the marsh.  Look for waterfowl, loons, and shorebirds (if site is drawn down).  Bald Eagle, Osprey, Merlin, and Broad-winged Hawk perch along the shoreline and on spires in the marsh.  American Woodcock and Whip-poor-will nest here. Several horse trails lead around the east end of the lake into a small field, then woodland. Uncommon warblers include Golden-winged, Mourning, and Black-throated Blue. 

Directions: 9 miles southwest of Iron Mountain, MI.  Follow Florence County Highways N and C to Hall’s Creek Dam sign, 45.794955, -88.278225.  Follow sand road to boat landing parking lot, 45.809251, -88.301781.

Site Address and Additional Information: 

Kay Kavanagh