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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Fischer Lake Parkway

Fischer Lake Parkway

Habitat: Non-Native Grasslands and Pasture, Cropland, Cedar Swamp, Hardwood Swamp, Willow, Adler or Dogwood Swamp, Northern Hardwoods, Open Water.

Best Birds:  Warblers found along this eight mile road include Northern Waterthrush, Golden-winged, Mourning, Cape May, Northern Parula, Magnolia, and occasional Canada.  Northern Cardinal is occasional unlike in many other areas of Florence County.  

Both cuckoos and Eastern Whip-poor-will nest here.  Northern Harrier, Red-shouldered, and Broad-winged Hawk are possible.  Golden-crowned Kinglet, and Winter Wren are present in wetland areas. Wood Thrush have nested at Fischer Lake.  Evening Grosbeak can be year-round.  Vesper Sparrow, Bobolink, and Eastern Meadowlark are possible in open grassland areas.  Rusty Blackbird (in migration) are present in wetlands.  

Directions:  3 miles southwest of Iron Mountain, MI.  Follow Florence County Highway B to Fischer Lake Parkway 45.77822, -88.12845.  Make stops along the way at the Fischer Lake Boat Landing, 45.726678, -88.104952, Crossett Creek Culvert, 45.736602, -88.092558 and Hoskins Pond, 45.752687, -88.078884.

Site Address and Additional Information:  

The diverse habitat along this less travelled road provides a great variety of species.  This road is perhaps the best location in Florence for the most warbler species.  Like most birding in Florence County early morning is best.

Kay Kavanagh