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Brule River State Forest - Motts Ravine SNA 

Brule River State Forest - Motts Ravine SNA

Habitat: Jack Pine-Oak Barrens.

Best Birds: This Jack Pine-Oak Barrens is maintained with prescribed fire to replicate the frequent natural fires that occurred here historically.  Typical barrens species can be found here such as Common Nighthawk, Brown Thrasher, Eastern Towhee, and Vesper and Clay-colored Sparrow. Due to the relatively small physical size and adjacency to dry pine forest Blue-headed Vireo, Red-Breasted Nuthatch, Hermit Thrush, and Connecticut Warbler may also occur.  

Directions: 40 miles SE of Superior/9 miles south of Brule on Hwy 27, west 0.75 miles on Motts Ravine road. The North Country National Scenic Trail winds through this area and crosses Motts Ravine Road at, 46.43188, -91.60403

Site Address & Additional Information: 

Motts Ravine Road, Brule WI 54820

Motts Ravine State Natural Area - Wisconsin DNR

Greg Kessler