Habitat: Native and Restored Grassland.
Best Birds: This location is reliable for Upland Sandpiper, Grasshopper Sparrow, Henslow’s Sparrow, Eastern Meadowlark, Bobolink, and Dickcissel. Western Meadowlark and Northern Bobwhite are found occasionally.
Directions: 30 miles west of Madison on Hwy 18 past Mount Horeb. From Hwy 18 turn on Hwy F and continue about 2 miles to Thomson Memorial Prairie where parking is on the shoulder to the north of the road. Also stop at Thousand’s Rock Prairie just north along Hwy F.
Site Address & Additional Information:
2376-2546 County Highway F, Blue Mounds, WI
Barneveld Prairie State Natural Area - Wisconsin DNR
Kristin Schmitt