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Pheasant Branch Conservancy

Pheasant Branch Conservancy (general), Dane County, WI, US - eBird Hotspot

Habitat: Upland Oak Savanna, Lowland wetland prairie, Urban/Residential/Industrial, Open Water, Marsh.  

Best Birds: The prairie parcel (N of County M and E of Pheasant Branch Road) is reliable for Orchard Oriole and possible for Yellow-breasted Chat, Sedge Wren and numerous sparrow species including Harris’, LeConte’s, and Clay-colored.  Winter is reliable for Northern Shrike. A trail system winds through attractive forest and wetland habitat S and E of the prairie.

Moving a few blocks southwest across Century Avenue takes you into the East and West Creek Corridor via Bock Forest.  The 2 mile creek corridor is probably the best place in the Madison area for spring and fall migration including numerous warbler species like Black-throated Blue, Blackburnian, Connecticut, Prothonotary, Cerulean, Canada, Cape May, Mourning, Blue-winged, Golden-Winged as well as Red-headed Woodpecker, Great Crested Flycatcher, Carolina Wren, Wood Thrush, and Scarlet Tanager.  Both Barred and Great Horned Owl are often spotted in the creek corridor.

The creek continues west across Hwy 12 to a confluence pond which contains a variety of waterfowl and shorebirds, and a marsh area where Sora and Marsh Wren can be seen occasionally.

Directions: 20 miles West/Northwest of Madison.  On Pheasant Branch Rd. in Middleton. Parking lot for the Dane County parcel is on the right in about 2 miles north of Century Ave., (43.1219796, -89.4873172). Parking for the Creek Corridor is best on Park Street in the cul de sac area where it intersects with Park Lawn Ave., 43.10188, -89.50213.

Site Address & Additional Information:

4864 Pheasant Branch Rd, Middleton, WI

 Kristin Schmitt