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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Olin-Turville Conservation Park

Olin-Turville Conservation Park, Dane County, WI, US - eBird Hotspot

Habitat:  Open Water, Southern Hardwood Forest, Oak Savannah, Native and Restored Grassland.

Best Birds: This oak rich environment holds many species of woodpecker including nesting Red-Headed, as well as many migrant warblers, vireos and thrushes.  Other nesting birds of interest are Great-Crested Flycatcher, Yellow-Throated Vireo, and Orchard Oriole.  The park regularly attracts rare migrants including Connecticut Warbler in late May.

As the outer ring trail intersects Turville Bay on Lake Monona check for migrating waterfowl including Common and Hooded Merganser, and Horned Grebe.  An occasional Greater Scaup or scoter species will be mixed in with the seasonal waterfowl flocks. The most stunning waterfowl migration occurring at this hotspot is the arrival of Common Loon in April.  During the peak of loon migration, dozens or even over a hundred can be counted while scoping the width of Lake Monona from the point.

The middle ring loop holds occasional pine stands which are good for Pine Warbler in late April.  The innermost ring circles a restored prairie parcel. 

Directions:  3 miles south of downtown Madison.  Park in the Capital City Trail parking area (43.05176, -89.37689) and enter the trail system.

Site Address & Additional Information:

The trail system consists of 3 concentric rings of trails.  Enter the trail system from the parking area and head south along the outermost ring.  

1202 Olin-Turville Ct, Madison, WI

Shawn Miller