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Mazomanie Oak Barrens

Mazomanie Oak Barrens SNA, Dane County, WI, US - eBird Hotspot

Habitat:  Oak Barrens, Dry and Sand Prairie, Pine Plantation, Wetlands. 

Best Birds:  In spring and summer Lark Sparrow can be found around the Old Y parking lot or the hunters parking lot. Before dawn and after dusk these two areas will also yield calling Eastern Whip-poor-will in spring and early summer.  Field and Clay-Colored Sparrow can also be found here.  In migration, the scrub lines along Highway Y can hold both White-Throated and then White-Crowned Sparrow. 

Another half-mile further southwest along CTY Y is the pine-plantation parking lot.  Northern Saw-Whet Owl have been found here in winter and in early spring and Pileated Woodpecker nest here, and this area - as well as the trail that heads south out of the plantation - have yielded Dane County’s only remaining reliable area for Ruffed Grouse (seen and drumming).   

Anywhere in the SNA it is possible to hear or see Red-Shouldered Hawk during spring, summer and fall. 

The wet prairie and occasional wetland patch may yield American Bittern.

Directions: 24 miles northwest of Madison.  Park in one of three areas:  Old Y Parking Lot (43.245109, -89.734352), Hunting Parking Lot (43.242342, -89.739451) or Pine Plantation Parking lot (43.241001, -89.746363).

Site Address & Additional Information:

The Mazomanie Oak Barrens State Natural Area is a 160 acre oak barren remnant which is part of the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway.

9714 County Hwy Y, Mazomanie, WI

Shawn Miller, Aaron Holschbach