Mazomanie Dog Training Grounds, Dane County, WI, US - eBird Hotspot
Habitat: Oak Barrens, Dry and Sand Prairie, Pine Plantation, Wetlands.
Best Birds: The simplest access point is the Dog Training Grounds. From here explore the trails system that heads south out of the parking area. Common prairie and scrub species nest here including Yellow-Billed Cuckoo and Willow Flycatcher. This is also Dane County’s most reliable spot for Bell’s Vireo. Most years Yellow-Breasted Chat are found in this area as well.
The pine plantation north of the parking area contains Pileated Woodpecker and nesting Eastern Towhee. Taking the trail system southwest towards the river enters habitat that is known for Red-Shouldered Hawk as well as resident Bald Eagle. The prairie may also support an occasional Northern Bobwhite (although many are likely released birds), some Orchard Oriole and most years, Dickcissel.
Another area to explore is the restricted-vehicle access Conservation Road, which cuts through forest that eventually turns to true river bottomland habitat.
Traveling back along Highway Y in this area is a mix of woodlots, prairie sections, wet marshland and cropland. Listen for Vesper Sparrow in the summer in the cropland edges and also stop at the wetland patches for Virginia Rail, Sora and American Bittern.
In winter the open areas are good for Rough-legged Hawk and Northern Shrike.
Directions: 27 miles northwest of Madison. Park in either the Dog Training Parking Lot (43.222335, -89.800393) or Conservation Road (43.233998, -89.798648).
Site Address & Additional Information:
The Mazomanie unit of the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway is over 3500 acres of bottomland forests, prairies, and wetlands.
10586 County Hwy Y, Mazomanie, WI
43.222335, -89.800393
Lower Wisconsin Riverway Wisconsin State Park System | Wisconsin DNR
Shawn Miller, Aaron Holschbach