Habitat: Bottomland Hardwoods, Oak-Hickory Forest, Native and Restored Grassland, and Open Water.
Best Birds: In the open water near the parking lot look for Wood Duck, Hooded Merganser, Sora Rail and Green Heron. Look for Sedge Wren along the east side of the pond. On the trail from the parking lot watch for flycatcher including Acadian and Least, vireos, Eastern Towhee, Wood Thrush, and Kentucky Warbler. On the hilltop goat prairies, look for Turkey Vulture, Field Sparrow, Clay-colored Sparrow, and Lark Sparrow.
Directions: 31 miles S of LaCrosse/4 miles north of Ferryville on State Highway 35. Parking lot is one mile north of Rush Creek Road on State Highway 35, 43.371558, -91.151629. Hiking trail goes east into the property and up the hill.
Site Address and Additional Information:
Hwy 35, De Soto WI
Total acreage for the north unit is 1600 acres. For Birding Haunts the property has been split into north and south sections.
Rush Creek State Natural Area - Wisconsin DNR
Dennis Kirschbaum