Kickapoo Caverns Preserve, Crawford County, WI, US - eBird Hotspot
Habitat: Oak Hardwood and Southern Hardwood Forest.
Best Birds: While walking through the hardwoods on the entrance road watch for Wild Turkey, flycatchers, vireos, Wood Thrush, Eastern Towhee, Blue-wing Warbler, and Scarlet Tanager. Once on top of the hill walk west on the ridge. While night birding from the parking lot listen for Barred Owl, Screech Owl, and Whip-poor-will.
Directions: 59 miles SSE of La Crosse, 2 miles west and two miles north of Wauzeka. Parking is along Rhein Hollow Road at 43.095549, -90.958507, which is one mile north of the intersection with Dutch Ridge Road. Foot access to the site is on the old entrance road just 100 feet to the northwest.
Site Address and Additional Information:
Rhein Hollow Road, Wauzeka WI
This 83 acre property is a former cavern tourism site. The cave is being protected by the Mississippi Valley Conservancy as a large hibernaculum for endangered bats.
Kickapoo Caverns | Mississippi Valley Conservancy
Dennis Kirschbaum