Habitat: Open Water, Mixed Deciduous Forest, and Mixed Coniferous Forest.
Best Birds: The lake is heavily used by migrant waterfowl and some resident waterfowl and herons. Ruffed Grouse, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Wood Thrush, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Pine Warbler and Scarlet Tanager may be easily found along the wooded roads in the area.
Directions: 41 miles E of Eau Claire, 10 miles west of Greenwood on county MM. The main body of the lake can be easily scanned from the public boat landing off North Lake Road (44.79345, -90.75822). Also search the quiet backwaters along Bachelors Ave. on the east end of the lake (44.78902, -90.74015).
Site Address & Additional Information:
W8771 North Lake Rd., Greenwood WI
Douglas Kieser