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Tom Lawin Wildlife Area

Tom Lawin Wildlife Area, Chippewa County, WI, US - eBird Hotspot

Habitat: Sedge Meadow, Open Water, Marsh, Mixed Coniferous Forest, Northern Hardwood Forest, Successional Oldfield.

Best Birds: Breeding birds include American Bittern, Virginia Rail, Black-billed Cuckoo, Alder Flycatcher, Marsh and Sedge Wren,Veery, Nashville Warbler, Blue-winged Warbler, Clay-colored Sparrow, and Brewer’s and Yellow-headed Blackbird

The area around the intersection of 127th and 135th Avenue can be good for Rough-legged Hawk, Northern Harrier and Short-eared Owl in migration and winter.

Along Hwy K are two parking areas, one on each side of Drywood Creek. Check the creek bottom opening and the woods near the northernmost parking area for American Woodcock, Brewer’s and Rusty Blackbird and migrating songbirds. 

The ponds and marshes attract many migrating waterfowl.

Directions: 26 miles NE of Eau Claire/11 miles northeast of Chippewa Falls. This area is located 2 miles southeast of the town of Jim Falls with access on County Hwy K and on 127th Avenue (aka Wildlife Drive).

Site Address and Additional Information:

This 3,156-acre property is best known for its expansive open sedge meadows. To view the largest area of sedge meadow walk south from one of the parking areas along 127th Avenue (aka Wildlife Drive). Similar habitat can be viewed from the roadside at the intersection of County Hwy K and 115th Ave. 

Intersection of Hwy K and 127th Avenue, Jim Falls WI

Tom Lawin Wildlife Area | Wisconsin DNR

Lawin Sedge Meadow State Natural Area - Wisconsin DNR

March Hotspot of the Month--Tom Lawin Wildlife Area and Woodfords’ Ponds - Wisconsin eBird

Rory Cameron