Habitat: Marsh, Native and Restored Grassland, and Southern Hardwood Forest.
Best Birds: The wooded areas to the north and east of the nature center hold Pileated Woodpecker, Barred Owl, Yellow-throated Vireo, Brown Creeper, Wood Thrush, and various migrating warblers. American Woodcock perform courtship displays in the prairie northeast of the nature center.
From the marsh platform listen for Sora and Virginia Rail calling and the flight winnows of Wilson’s Snipe.
The prairie and woods to the south of the nature center host breeding Black-billed Cuckoo, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, and Sedge Wren, as well as wintering: Rough-legged Hawk, Northern Shrike, and Horned Lark.
Directions: 17 miles SE of Appleton. Southwest of the city of Brillion at the end of Deerview Road. Trails begin at the nature center and at the NE Parking lot.
Site Address and Additional Information:
Roughly 400 acres with 7 miles of trails. The property is contiguous with the 4800-acre Brillion Wildlife Area.
W1135 Deerview Road, Brillion, WI
Travis Moore