Habitat: Open Water, Oak-Hickory Forest.
Best Birds: This park provides an excellent view of the southeast corner of Green Bay and is one of the best spots to view large numbers of diving ducks in early spring and late fall, including scoters, loons, and grebes. When the Bay water level is low, shorebirds including Ruddy Turnstone can be found. The Lambeau Cottage, just a short walk to the south and with its own parking area, also provides a good view of the bay.
The trail to the south of Lambeau Cottage goes through an intact deciduous forest which offers excellent stopover habitat for migrant warblers and other passerines and common forest breeders. Eastern Screech-Owl and Great Horned Owl are common here.
Directions: Exit State Highway 57 at the Nicolet Drive exit and follow signs to UW-Green Bay. Proceed north exactly one mile and Communiversity Park is on the west side of the road.
Site Address & Additional Information:
2522 Nicolet Dr., Green Bay, WI
Tom Prestby