Habitat: Jack Pine-Oak Barrens, Pine Plantation.
Best Birds: Characterized by dry sandy soils, rolling terrain, and only scattered trees, this unique landscape features Black-billed Cuckoo, Brown Thrasher, Clay-colored and Eastern Towhee, Vesper Sparrow, and Chestnut-sided Warbler. Small numbers of Sharp-tailed Grouse, Upland Sandpiper, Northern Harrier, Field Sparrow, and Brewer’s Blackbird may also be found.
Forest patches may hold Blue-headed Vireo, Pine and Canada Warbler, Red Crossbill, and occasionally Red-headed or Black-backed Woodpecker. Crepuscular and nocturnal birding can be excellent as American Woodcock, Eastern Whip-poor-will, Common Nighthawk, and Barred Owl are common. Northern Saw-whet and Long-eared Owl are sometimes heard as well, while colder months bring Rough-legged Hawk, Northern Shrike, and occasionally a Snowy Owl.
Directions: 21 miles west of Ashland. From US Hwy. 2 at Ino turn north on Forest Road 236 (Ino Rd.) and travel about 7 miles until you reach open barrens habitat (46.61121, -91.20864). After birding FR236 and adjacent forest roads, head west on FR242 to the western side of the wildlife area where similar habitat is found along FR241 (46.61528, -91.27202).
Site Address & Additional Information:
Forest Road 236, Mason WI
Moquah Barrens State Natural Area - Wisconsin DNR
Ryan Brady