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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Long Bridge (Head of Chequamegon Bay)

Habitat:  Open Water, Marsh, Alder Swamp, Beaches and Mudflats.

Best Birds:  This is an excellent stopover site for migrating waterbirds during spring. Depending on water levels and habitat availability, look for Trumpeter and Tundra Swan, several goose species, outstanding diversity of diving and dabbling ducks, shorebirds such as Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Willet, Black-bellied Plover, Dunlin, godwits, and others, Bonaparte’s Gull, Common, Forster’s, and Caspian Tern, American White Pelican, and Cliff and Bank Swallows.

Walk the grassy trail north along the willows for better views of waterbirds like Sora and Virginia Rail, and potentially great activity from thrushes, sparrows, warblers, and other migrating land birds. 

Summer birding is less diverse but still good here. Fewer birds are present in fall, in part due to duck hunting pressure. Rarity potential is exceptional at this site, with past records of Ross’s Gull, King Eider, Black-legged Kittiwake, Eurasian Wigeon, Western Sandpiper, Eared Grebe, and others. A spotting scope is recommended for best viewing.

Directions: 2 miles west of Ashland and 0.5 mile east of the Hwy 2/13 roundabout. Park in the lot at the end of Long Bridge (Old Dump) Rd on the north side of Highway 2, (46.58795, -90.94505).

Site Address & Additional Information:

Old Dump Rd (Long Bridge Rd), Ashland WI


Ryan Brady