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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Happy Hollow and Pratt Roads

Habitat:  Northern Hardwood Forest, Bottomland Hardwoods, Mixed Coniferous Forest, Non-Native Grassland and Pasture, Successional Oldfield, Cropland.

Best Birds: Openings in the first and fourth miles of Happy Hollow Road South of Hwy 13, and bordering Pratt Road, are good for Snowy Owl and Northern Shrike in winter. Upland Sandpiper formerly used the grasslands in summer but may be absent.  The pastures and hayfields are good for numerous grassland birds such as Northern Harrier, Snow Bunting, Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark, and sometimes Western Meadowlark and Le Conte’s Sparrow. The farm field at the north end of Happy Hollow is especially good and should be checked in spring and fall for Western Kingbird and other rare flycatchers. 

The mile just south of Faye Road has a history of Dickcissel and its fruit trees attract Pine Grosbeak and other finches in winter. Belanger Memorial Park on the Star Route west of Happy Hollow and also east of the intersection with Happy Hollow has frugivores and seed-eating birds including Bohemian Waxwing, northern finches, and migrant sparrows like Harris’s Sparrow.  Forest-grassland borders here have hosted Great Gray Owl, and a variety of north woods warblers can be found, including Golden-winged, Mourning, and Chestnut-sided.


Directions: 30 miles northwest of Ashland on State Hwy 13. This area Includes 6 miles of Happy Hollow Road, Belanger Park 0.3 miles west of the south end of Happy Hollow Road, and all of Pratt Road.

Site Address & Additional Information:

Intersection of Pratt Road and Happy Hollow Road, Cornucopia, WI

46.83229, -91.01964

Belanger Park, 26245 Star Route Rd, Cornucopia, WI

Scott Swengel