Habitat: Willow/Alder Swamp, Sedge Meadow, Non-Native Grassland and Pasture, Hardwood Swamp, Mixed Coniferous Forest.
Best Birds: This is one of the best areas of the state to find Golden-winged Warbler from May through August. Northern Waterthrush, Mourning, Canada, Cape May, Chestnut-sided, Nashville and other warblers also occur here, especially during migration. Look and listen for Black-billed Cuckoo, Sandhill Crane, Sora, Wilson’s Snipe, American Bittern, Alder Flycatcher, Sedge Wren, Veery, and other common species. Sparrows are plentiful in migration, occasionally including Le Conte’s and Harris’s.
Night birding may also yield American Woodcock, and Great Horned, Barred, and Northern Saw-whet Owl.
Directions: 23 miles SW of Asland. From Highway 63 in Grand View go 0.4 miles north on Raymond Ave to the intersection of North Sweden Road. Raymond Avenue becomes Taylor Lane when it crosses north of North Sweden Road, (46.37269, -91.10600). Bird this area by driving or walking north along the dead-end Taylor Lane up to 2.5 miles to its dead end. Travel east on North Sweden Road and then north on Matt’s Lane (46.37597, -91.08977) for more birding in similar habitat, or head west on N Sweden Road to Bergman Lane for forest species (46.37632, -91.17618).
Site Address & Additional Information:
Bibon Swamp is the largest wetland in Bayfield County, is an Important Bird Area and encompasses the Bibon Swamp State Natural Area.
North Sweden Road, Grand View WI
Bibon Swamp State Natural Area - Wisconsin DNR
Bibon Swamp | Audubon Important Bird Areas
Ryan Brady