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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Benoit Grasslands

Habitat:  Non-Native Grassland and Pasture, Cropland, Mixed Coniferous Forest.

Best Birds: Listen and look for Upland Sandpiper, Northern Harrier, Le Conte’s Sparrow, Eastern and Western Meadowlark, Brewer’s Blackbird, Bobolink, and Dickcissel. In migration, swans, ducks and shorebirds sometimes use small ponds or fields scattered throughout the region, while Horned Lark, Lapland Longspur, and Snow Bunting may be found in pastures and croplands. 

Shrubs and woodlots often host good numbers of edge species, including Black-billed Cuckoo, Warbling Vireo, and various warblers. 

Some winters feature Rough-legged Hawk, Snowy Owl, and Northern Shrike

Directions:  10 miles southwest of Ashland. This is an undefined area of entirely private lands where viewing is mostly from roadside. This area is centered near the intersection of Highways 63 and 118 (Cty F) about 2.5 miles south of Highway 2. Some of the roads to travel include Colby, Curry, Franzel, Pezderic, Kostello, and Moonshine Alley. For additional birding in similar habitat, travel west on County E to its intersection with County Highway H ~3 miles south of Ino.

Site Address & Additional Information:

County Hwy F, Ashland WI

Ryan Brady