Habitat: Native and Restored Grassland, Non-native Grassland and Pasture, Cropland, Sedge Meadow, and Successional Oldfield.
Best Birds: In the shrubbier and more wooded western portion of the area look and listen for Ruffed Grouse, Yellow-billed and Black-billed Cuckoo, Barred Owl, Common Raven, Red-headed Woodpecker, and Mourning Warbler. American Woodcock, Wilson’s Snipe, Belted Kingfisher, Willow Flycatcher, and Sedge Wren can be found in wetter habitat.
In the short grassy areas on either side of County W, observers can find Upland Sandpiper, Northern Harrier, Short-eared Owl, Clay-colored, Field and Savannah Sparrow, Bobolink, Eastern and Western Meadowlark, Brewer’s Blackbird, and Dickcissel. Greater Prairie Chicken are seen and heard in spring on booming ground leks located on select higher areas near Apache Ave.
Directions: 31 miles S of Stevens Point/8 miles west of Plainfield. Best areas are contained within Hwy D on the north, 6th avenue on the west, Archer Ave. & Archer Dr. on the south and 3rd Avenue/ Hwy G on the east. Hwy W (north and south road) and Apache and Archer Roads (east and west roads) bisect this area and are by far the most productive. There are 2 tiny parking areas, on 3rd Ave. and County W, but it is best to just park along the road’s shoulders.
Site Address & Additional Information: 1,860 acres of extensive flatlands laced with drainage ditches and a solitary sandstone outcrop known as Owens Rock.
Marty Evanson