Habitat: Jack Pine-Oak Barrens.
Best Birds: Common Nighthawk, Brown Thrasher, Clay-colored, Lark, Field, and Vesper Sparrow are found in the younger pine barrens. Eastern Whip-poor-will, Hermit Thrush, Red Crossbill, and Kirtland’s Warbler favor the older pine stands. Kirtland’s Warbler is a ground nester. To reduce negative effects on this rare species off-road travel and use of audio playback should not be used.
Directions: A specific location is obscured by ebird to protect the sensitive nature of the site and the state endangered Kirtland’s Warbler. There are many roads in the area west of Highway 13 that can be driven to look and listen for target bird species. Much of the area is private industrial forest land and therefore birding should only be done from roadsides.
Site Address & Additional Information:
The site is in the pinelands of northwest Adams County. The landscape is made up of a vast acreage of Jack Pine –Oak Barrens on gently rolling terrain, and is characterized by extensive, mostly young Red Pine and Jack Pine plantations with inclusions of Black Oak and Northern Pin Oak, and scattered openings vegetated with Penn Sedge, native grasses, Blueberry, and wildflowers. The pine stands vary in age from very young to old and are managed by rotational cutting to keep some younger pine areas on the landscape.
State Hwy 13, Adams County, Wisconsin
Adams County Forest Legacy Area
Adams County Pines Important Bird Area
Richard Staffen