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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

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North Lakeland Discovery Center Bird Club - Sparrow Identification in Northern Wisconsin
Monday, June 03, 2024 07:00pm

June 3rd  “ Sparrow Identification in Northern Wisconsin - Tips, Tricks, and Mental Support 

“ With Frank Schroyer, Bird expert who currently works as Land Conservation Associate with the Northwoods Land Trust in Eagle River.

Description: Sparrows are considered one of the more difficult groups of birds to identify in the field because of their similarity in plumage and secretive nature. Many birders simply give up on ID attempts and list 'sparrow sp.' or 'little brown bird.' This talk will help to give confidence when making cryptic field identifications by looking at how sparrows here in the Northwoods are much more than just small, brownish, birds.