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What’s Up With Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas II? An Update from Atlas Central
Thursday, March 24, 2022 06:30pm

GreatGrayOwl RyanBrady

The Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas II wrapped up five years of field work in 2019. Since then, the project team has been working hard to finalize the massive data set consisting of 2.8 million bird observations from more than 3,500 volunteers.  As work continues on data analysis, book publication and more, we invite you to join us for an inside look into preliminary results in this online presentation from Wisconsin DNR conservation biologist and WBBAII science coordinator, Ryan Brady.

Register for the Zoom meeting here:

Ryan Brady is a conservation biologist in the Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. He is involved in numerous bird monitoring, outreach, and conservation projects, among them serving as science coordinator for Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas II. Based out of Ashland, he has been studying the birds of Lake Superior and the north woods since 1995. He has fond memories of his first bird job as a field surveyor in the first atlas nearly 25 years ago!