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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Events Calendar

Noel J. Cutright Bird Club: The Changing World of Birding: Badgerland Birding and the Internet
Tuesday, August 03, 2021 07:00pm 08:30pm

Badgerland Birding started as a YouTube show focusing on a group of birders as they travel the state searching for different species. The series has since expanded beyond just videos and now also focuses on educating through writing and collaboration with other groups such as Ohio’s Rogue Birders. Badgerland Birding was created by brothers Derek and Ryan Sallmann and now includes talented birders Bill Grossmeyer and Rob Pendergast. Their goal is to spread knowledge about birds and other animals that live not only in Wisconsin but all across the United States.

Bird Club is free to attend and for the time being takes place virtually.

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