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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Events Calendar

Newburg - A Wealth of Nature Right Here at Home
Tuesday, November 05, 2019 07:00pm
Contact 262-375-2715


Meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month at Riveredge Nature Center.

Eddee Daniel is project director for A Wealth of Nature, launched by the group Preserve Our Parks to further its belief that the Milwaukee metropolitan area has world-class natural features and exemplary parklands that need to be better publicized, enjoyed and preserved. Preserve Our Parks is a non-profit organization that advocates for and promotes Milwaukee area parks and open spaces, arguing: “For their mental, physical and spiritual well-being, people everywhere need opportunities to experience nature in their daily lives.”

The cornerstone of the project is a website aimed at introducing the public to the wealth of nature in Southeastern Wisconsin. At its heart is Daniel’s amazing photography, which he will share with us. A photographer and writer, with a column called Urban Wilderness at Milwaukee Magazine, he has over 30 years of experience as a teacher as well as a public speaker. He has been featured on Wisconsin Public Radio and WUWM’s Lake Effect and has given numerous presentations to a wide variety of organizations. Daniel is on the board of Preserve Our Parks.

The Riveredge Bird Club held its first meeting in March 1986 so this year we will celebrate our 33rd anniversary. The club, renamed in honor of its founder in 2014, brings together those who enjoy observing and learning more about birds and sharing these interests with others.
All activities are free and open to the public. Attend a meeting to become a member and receive our bimonthly e- newsletter, The Timberdoodle News, edited by Dani Baumann, who welcomes contributions.