2019 Atlas Kickoff: Gearing Up for the Home Stretch
*This page contains archived presentations from the Atlas Season 5 Kickoff that took place April 5 – 7, 2019 in Stevens Point. Click on each agenda heading to access available materials.*
Saturday, April 6
9:30 Introduction to Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas II. Nick Anich (Breeding Bird Atlas Coordinator, Wisconsin DNR), Ryan Brady (Breeding Bird Atlas Science Coordinator, Wisconsin DNR)
10:00 Exciting Results from the First Four Seasons of WBBA II. Nick Anich
11:00 Wisconsin Citizen-based Monitoring Network: Celebrating 15 Years. Eva Lewandowski (Citizen-based Monitoring Coordinator, Wisconsin DNR)
11:10 Recognizing Our Volunteer Atlasers and County Coordinators. Ryan Brady
11:30 Funding the Breeding Bird Atlas and Donor Recognition. Charlie Luthin (Chair, Atlas Development Committee)
1:00 pm Overview of Atlas Effort: What We’ve Done and What’s Left to Do. Nick Anich
1:45 Break Out Groups – Planning for Success in 2019. A job fair–style session connecting atlasers with county coordinators to ensure completion of remaining priority blocks.
3:00 Strategies for Successfully Completing Your Atlas Block. Nick Anich
3:20 Tips for Targeting Uncommon and Secretive Species. Tom Prestby (WBBA II Training and Support Specialist)
3:40 Meeting the Challenge of Juvenile Bird Identification. Tom Schultz (Birding Expert, Wisconsin Society for Ornithology)
4:00 Revisiting Confusing Aspects of the WBBA II Protocols and Making Those Tricky Judgment Calls on Breeding Codes. Tom Prestby
4:30 Key Messages to Remember for Season 5. Ryan Brady
Sunday, April 7
8:00 Keynote Presentation – WBBA II: The Future of Atlasing in the Era of eBird. Ian Davies (eBird Project Coordinator, Cornell Lab of Ornithology).
9:00 Lessons Learned from the Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio. Matt Shumar (former coordinator, Ohio Breeding Bird Atlas II).
9:30 Following the Field Work: Generating Products for the Minnesota Breeding Bird Atlas. Lee Pfannmuller (former program manager, Minnesota Breeding Bird Atlas).
10:30 Expected Products of Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas II. Nick Anich