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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Bay Beach Field Trip 2024

This year’s field trip to Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary fell on Saturday, Sept. 7, and we were pleased to see that it coincided with a passing cold front – which is always what you want for a fall migration push.  We met at 7:00 AM and initially gathered near one of the lagoons as attendees arrived – 24 of us in total.  It was a chilly morning (only 43 degrees at the start!) with a fairly stiff northwest wind – but the skies were clear.

A couple of GREAT EGRETS were present as we arrived, along with a bunch of MALLARDS swimming on the pond.  A BELTED KINGFISHER flew around, a GREEN HERON was spotted along the far shoreline, a NORTHERN FLICKER landed in the trees, and a small group of GREEN-WINGED TEAL flew by.

After taking attendance, we hiked along the road that led past the lagoons to the rehab building, and started finding a variety of WARBLERS flitting through the trees – including TENNESSEEBLACKPOLL, and NORTHERN PARULA.  Just ahead were several dogwood bushes that had RED-EYEDWARBLING and PHILADELPHIA VIREOS feasting on the berries.


We continued birding along other trails, and found additional flocks of migrants in many places.  It seemed like there were BLACKPOLL WARBLERS in every group, mixed in with BLACK-AND-WHITE and NASHVILLE WARBLERSAMERICAN REDSTARTCAPE MAYMAGNOLIABAY-BREASTEDCHESTNUT-SIDED and BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLERS.  At one point, a beautiful BLACK-THROATED BLUE WARBLER was also spotted – a nice highlight for many of us!


We noted on one occasion that a nice flock of TREE SWALLOWS passed overhead, perhaps 100 of them.  A SHARP-SHINNED HAWK flashed by us, and several TURKEY VULTURES a RED-TAILED HAWK, and an immature BALD EAGLE also floated by.

More GREEN HERONS were spotted in various places, along with a BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON and a GREAT BLUE HERON.  Near the nature center building there were a few WILD TURKEYS and a couple of SANDHILL CRANES.

Our group left Bay Beach Sanctuary about 9:30, and headed over to Ken Euers Wetland Reserve, just a few miles to the west.  We had good views of the bay, and spotted AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS and DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANTS flying and swimming about.  A NORTHERN HARRIER cruised about over the cattails.

Two GREAT EGRETS reluctantly flushed from the muddy edges of the marsh as we approached.  We had hoped to find a few shorebirds there also, but not a single one was present.  Out on the waters of the bay we spotted MALLARDSPIED-BILLED GREBES and AMERICAN COOTS swimming around, and RING-BILLED and HERRING GULLS were present.  A LEAST BITTERN was spotted as it flew along over the tops of the cattails, but unfortunately it landed out of sight.

A couple of EASTERN PHOEBES perched on various stalks and branches, and RUBY-THROATED HUMMINGBIRD and BELTED KINGFISHER were spotted.  Other birds observed along our hike included BLUE-WINGED WARBLERCOMMON YELLOWTHROAT and INDIGO BUNTING.

We concluded the field trip a little before 11:00 AM, with the temperature only up to around 53 degrees.  Thanks to all who attended, and to Jeff Baughman for co-leading.  Our bird total for the morning was 72 species.

Tom Schultz, WSO Field Trips