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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Sister’s Farm Riverside Trail System

Habitat: Northern Hardwood Forest, Mixed Coniferous Forest.

Best Birds: Common breeding species include Pileated Woodpecker, Eastern Wood Pewee, Least Flycatcher, Common Raven, Veery, Nashville and Mourning Warbler.  Bald Eagle, and Broad-winged and Cooper’s Hawks nest in the vicinity. 

Directions: 65 miles NNW of Eau Claire/4 miles southwest of Ladysmith.  At the south end of Sister’s Farm Road, about one mile south of Port Arthur Road,  there is the trailhead parking lot on the east side, (45.432248, -91.130674). Trails extend to both east and west or the road.

Site Address and Additional information: 

Located on an inside bend of the Flambeau River, this 10-mile system of trails meanders through a mosaic of mature northern hardwoods. large White {ine, and riparian forest-edge. The rich and variable forest structure includes plenty of standing, dead and downed trees.

Sister’s Farm Road, Ladysmith WI

Christian W. Cold