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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Thunder Lake SWA

Habitat: Open Water, Marsh, Sedge Meadow, Alder and Willow Swamp, Hemlock-Hardwood Forest, Conifer Bog. 

Best Birds: Rice Lake produces abundant wild rice which attracts large numbers of migrating ducks especially in the fall. Breeding birds include Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Alder Flycatcher, Sedge Wren, Marsh Wren, LeContes, Lincoln’s, Clay-colored, Savannah and White-throated, a good variety of warblers, and Brewers Blackbird. Though difficult to detect Yellow Rail, Merlin, and the rare Nelson’s Sparrow have been known to nest here in the past.

Directions: 85 miles NE of Wausau/1 mile north of the city of Three Lakes. From Hwy 45 take Rice Lake Road west into the wildlife area. The first parking lot marks the eastern boundary (45.81396, -89.18798) and continuing due west to Rice Lake is another parking area (45.81694, -89.22534).

Address and Additional Information:

This area is 3,000-acres consisting of open peat wetland and forested tamarack/black spruce wetland with the 120-acre Rice Lake and 1,800-acre Thunder Lake.

1983 Rice Lake Rd, Three Lakes, WI

Thunder Lake Wildlife Area | Wisconsin DNR

Rice Lake State Natural Area - Wisconsin DNR

One Stone Lake Hemlocks State Natural Area - Wisconsin DNR

Carl Schroeder