Habitat: Southern Hardwood, Pine Plantation, Successional Oldfield, Open Water.
Best Birds: Mature forests provide nesting habitat for locally uncommon Broad-winged Hawk, Barred Owl, Acadian Flycatcher, Tufted Titmouse, and Hooded Warbler. Kelly Creek is one of the best places in the state to observe migrating passerines in the state during May and the low views provide excellent photographic opportunities. The large conifer stands are good places to check for owls and winter finches. There are well stocked feeders by the nature center that host titmice, woodpeckers and other passerines year round. The hiking trails circle a lake on an accessible boardwalk and they also traverse grassland habitat where nesting Willow Flycatcher and Field Sparrow are found.
Directions: 14 miles southwest of downtown Milwaukee in the city of Franklin. Wehr is within Whitnall Park and is south of College Avenue.
Site Address & Additional Information:
9701 W. College Avenue Franklin, WI
Mark Korducki