Habitat: Oak/Hickory Forest, Restored Grassland, Oak Savanna, Wet Prairie Fen, Sedge Meadow, Open Water.
Best Birds: Along the 2 mile trail loop that skirts or penetrates the aforementioned habitats, expect to see Black and Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Eastern Whip-poor-Will, Sandhill Crane, herons, Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier, Red-headed Woodpecker, Pileated Woodpecker, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Willow Flycatcher, Eastern Kingbird, Warbling and Yellow-throated Vireo, Tufted Titmouse, Wood Thrush, Brown Thrasher, Eastern Towhee, Vesper Sparrow, Field Sparrow, Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark, Blue-winged Warbler, and Scarlet Tanager.
Because the park is located next to the Fox River National Wildlife Refuge (closed to public access) many water birds can be seen overhead along the park trail as they fly to feeding sites outside of the refuge. These include: Trumpeter Swan, Wood Duck, Hooded Merganser, Black Tern, Forster's Tern, American White Pelican and American Bittern. Access to the refuge boundary is also available from the John Muir WPA one-half mile north of the park on County Hwy. F.
Directions: 51 miles N of Madison/7 miles south of Montello on County Hwy. F. (43.690704, - 89.396091).
Site Address & Additional Information:
150 acres including the Muir Park SNA with access to 200 adjacent acres via the Ice Age National Scenic Trail.
Paved parking lot. Vault toilets.
County Hwy. F, Montello, WI
Fox River - Fox River - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (
Daryl Christensen