Holland Sand Prairie SNA, La Crosse County, WI, US – eBird Hotspot
Habitat: Native and Restored Grassland, Sand Prairie, Successional Oldfield.
Best Birds: Eurasian Collared Dove, Eastern Kingbird, Bell’s Vireo, Grasshopper, Clay-colored, Vesper, and Lark Sparrow, Eastern Meadowlark, Orchard Oriole, Dickcissel. There are mowed trails throughout the property, which is best known as a nesting location for Bell’s Vireo, which are found in brush clumps in the southern ½ of the property. Grassland birds nest throughout and migrating passerines can be found resting and foraging in the small clumps of trees in the spring and fall.
Directions: 14 miles N of La Crosse. On the south side of Holman. The Holland Sand Prairie is located south of County MH about ¼ mile west of Hwy 53 (43.97001,-91.29465).
Site Address & Additional Information:
County MH, Holmen, WI
Dan Jackson