Habitat: 77 acres of Southern Hardwood Forest, Mixed Coniferous Forest, and Bottomland Hardwoods along the Wisconsin River.
Best Birds: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Red-headed Woodpecker, Tufted Titmouse, and Eastern Towhee, be found in the open areas around the picnic area and campground. The forest at the top of the bluff has Pileated Woodpecker, Yellow-throated Vireo, Wood Thrush, Scarlet Tanager, and occasionally Yellow-throated Warbler in the large pines. Kentucky Warbler has been present several years along the edge of the bluff on the northeast end of the park. The hiking trail that runs along the edge of the river bottoms is a good area to search for Black-billed Cuckoo, Red-shouldered Hawk, Carolina Wren, and Prothonotary Warbler .
Directions: 36 miles W of Madison. From Spring Green take Hwy 14 east across the Wisconsin River and turn left (south) onto CTH-C. Follow CTH-C for 2 miles and take a right into the park entrance.
Site Address & Additional Information:
5808 County Hwy C, Spring Green, WI 53588
Aaron Holschbach