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Promoting the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin's birds.

Events Calendar

Dane and Columbia County Ponds
Saturday, March 24, 2018 07:00am 01:00pm
Contact Tom Schultz (920) 960-1796 and Jeff Baughman (920) 960-4732

Meet: 7:00 am at Goose Pond, 1 mile south of Hwy. 51/60 on Goose Pond Road (south-east of the town of Arlington).  Google Map

Our group will tour by auto to several ponds and flooded fields in this very productive area. A wide variety of waterbirds, shorebirds, migrant passerines and others are possible (i.e.: swans, Gr. White-fronted & Ross’s Geese, pipits, longspurs, sparrows, etc.).  Our trip typically ends around noon after birding the causeway (CTH V) on Lake Wisconsin.  Bring a bag lunch.  

Our intent is to try and optimize our birding  during migration. Mach 17 is the scheduled date, but if it is determined that March 24 may be better, we will notify potential participants at and via the Wisbirdn Listserv.  Please check these a day or two prior to March 17.